Thursday, February 25, 2021

Press Release – Helena Association of Realtors – Sponsors Hand Sanitizer Production for COVID-19.

The Helena Association of Realtors (HAR) has donated $6,000 to Gulch Distillers to produce (on a non-profit basis) hand sanitizer which is critically needed to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the Helena area. These funds were generated by contributions from HAR members over the past several years. Gulch Distillers will produce and distribute some 1500 bottles (approximately 7 oz. in size) to be placed in community areas of most critical need. Priority placement include front line responders, hospitals, assisted living and nursing homes, mental health centers, health care offices, essential service offices such as correctional and law enforcement, restaurants with curbside takeout and home delivery, other food and fuel providers, street and sanitation workers as well as essential public service employees.

CEO George Harris says the Helena Association of Realtors consists of 380 members which includes 342 realtors and 38 affiliate offices. They are a positive and generous group of professionals raising funds through various projects and contributions to give back to the community they love to serve.

Contact: George Harris, CEO Helena Association of Realtors 422-7724

HAR & Gulch Distillers Hand Sanitizer presentation. Steffen Rasile, Manager Gulch Distillers. 449-2393


Item# 1 – Dimensional Standards

Ordinance No. 3278 increasing lot coverage in the R-1 (Residential) and R-2 (Residential) Zoning Districts; increasing maximum building height in the R-1 (Residential), R-2 (Residential), R-3 Residential), R-4 (Residential-Office), and B-2 (General Commercial) Zoning Districts; and eliminating minimum lot sizes for multiple dwelling units in the R-3, R-4/R-O Zoning Districts by amending Chapter 4 of Title 11 of the Helena City Code.

Present Situation: On December 3, 2019, the City of Helena Zoning Commissioners voted unanimously (5:0) to recommend approval of an ordinance to change a range of district dimensional standards by amending Chapter 4 of Title 11 of the Helena City Code in an effort to increase housing density in the city. This was followed by a first passage hearing on the ordinance by the City Commission on December 16, 2019, wherein the City Commission voted unanimously (4:0) to approve the ordinance. No one spoke in opposition to the ordinance at either hearing.

Code of Ethics Widget.

Home Ownership Matters Widget.
